Sunday, March 28, 2010


In six hours time i will leave for National Service. I will get on a bus and head off to a place where i will have no access to the internet, which also happens to be the source that reaffirms every "Awesome" principle in me. A real challenge for myself, because then i will have to be my own source.

Letting go, frees. Resistance binds.

At first i resisted, and i was miserable. But why was i resisting? As i thought about it, it came to me that i was afraid. In fact, i was terrified. In this world that i have created for myself, everything stems on connectivity, and social networking sites, and cell phones. To let it all go would be to risk missing out on outings and events. To let go would be to risk being left behind. What if i came back, and friends no longer called me out for events? What if i came back, and they had progressed on so much further than i can catch up on?

And then there's a whole new parade of other worries: what if all of my camp mates were to be unfriendly? What if none of them like me? But here is what's making me a tad bit uncomfortable -- all the what if's. Where's my trust? I was getting so hung up on all these worries that it ate away at me, when in fact i had no control over any of it, at all. Funnily, i completely fooled myself thinking that i could somehow change the outcome of things, when in truth i am in control of absolutely NOTHING at all. After all, i'm just here for the ride.

(and so are you)

So let go i shall. Tomorrow i will get on that bus and let it bring me to a strange place, surrounded by strangers. To be real, i still am a little fearful, but it is slowly peeling away, layer after layer.

I am ready now, so let's get going.

And I'll be back in no time. Till then, you have to stay true to your DNA, and be the truly amazing self that you are :)

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