Monday, March 08, 2010

For our sisters, mothers and friends.

Happy 8th of March, everybody! Today happens to be the International Women's Day. In many countries including Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Nepal, today would be an official holiday.

(why not in Malaysia, too? :P)

So today, i urge you to be extra nice to every lady in your life -- not that you need an occasion to do that, but, you know ;) give her flowers, give her chocolates, give her hugs, give her love. Be it to your mother, your grandmother, your nanny, your sister, your wife, your maid, the auntie next door, i invite you to go up to her and hug her (or at least give a cheery "hello") and express your utmost appreciation to her for being.

To commemorate today, i highly recommend you readers out there take a few moments to read this incredible post. Titled "7 Simple Responses Which Help Support An Anti-Rape Culture", it stresses that the little things you do or say in everyday life can easily lead a man into carrying the mindset that Rape is OK.

3. When someone says, "The only way to prevent sexual violence is to teach girls and women how to avoid danger," respond with, "And I suppose the only way to prevent gun crimes is to teach people how to dodge bullets."

Also, something i would like to highlight, from one of the supportive commenters in this post :

Calling rape "sex" is like hitting someone over the head with a frying pan and calling it "cooking".

Very useful tips that i have memorized already, because the little things you do or say everyday can really amount to something -- and besides, what have you got to lose?


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