Friday, January 22, 2010

Randy Pausch an incredible man.

The Last Lecture : Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, was delivered by Randy Pausch after he had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. And this was what made this hour-long lecture so fascinating to me right from the start. Because, despite the fact that this man had already been given a death sentence ["he was told in August 2007 to expect a remaining three to six months of good health"], he still maintained such a remarkably humorous and upbeat personality, the positivity he held clearly emanating off him as he spoke.

Randy Pausch died in July 2008, less than a year after he delivered his "Last Lecture", yet with his video up and his book in the stores, he doesn't cease to inspire.

One thing he spoke of that's stuck with me is this : -- "the brick walls are there for a reason. They let us prove how badly we want things."

He further stressed, "they're there not to stop us, but to stop the people who don't want those things enough."

"They help us show our dedication; to separate us from the people who don't really want to achieve their childhood dreams."

Which requires no elaboration, cause the words he chose really speak for themselves. They provide a sound way to look at the things that are stopping us in life; a refreshing reminder for us to never give up -- a brand new perspective.

You know how to dream, to desire, to want things -- but how far are you prepared to go to get these things that you want? Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone to achieve these things? How much of yourself are you willing to give -- and this is in terms of effort and time and passion? If you get not what you want, then perhaps you are not giving enough. You probably don't want what you think you want enough.

Sometimes when we decide to approach something, we chose a method that we decide is the best, and then we get so deep into it that when it doesn't work out, we think that all is lost. But that isn't it. There are so many ways to get what you want -- whatever it is -- and just because the way that you think is best doesn't work out, doesn't mean all else won't either.

Think about it. When you hit a dead end, it's not the end. If you fail at getting your dream job, or your ideal scholarship, or admission into your chosen university, it is not the end.

Your journey isn't over.

It's only over when you say it's over. And that's the most beautiful part of it all -- it's your call.

It's all up to you.


Stay awesome, all.


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