Tuesday, February 16, 2010


“Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I believe that when we are born we are all essentially dreamers. We create dreams, and we carry hope, and we form ideals that we hold precariously in our hearts. We start off as visionaries, overflowing with bubbly anticipation and excitement, fully prepared to jump into the future and seize the skies with our bare hands. Somewhere along the way, however, some people lose it. Dreams fall apart into worn out pieces and ideals get crushed.

The world that we live in now demands that we conform to a set of rules that "adults" should live by. As it turns out, there are "rights" and "wrongs" in the cars we chose to drive, or the jobs we take, the words we say, and the things we do. Their cutting glance or scornful word will sear at you, and soon you find yourself letting go a little, simply to comply and to accomodate their expectations.

But really, who are these people to determine the validity of the choices you make? What gave them the right to place value on the way you chose to live your days? The very grounds with which they decide right and wrong is based on their views, their perceptions, their opinions, and there's no one who can truly say that they are "right". Not everything in life is just in black and white, and there is no right or wrong. Everything just is, and from my point of view, all you've got is right Now, so why not just enjoy the ride?

Don't be a burnt out star. Believe in your dreams, because you're the only one who can. There's nothing sadder than a person who loses his own ideals.

Be amazing because you can.

I believe in you.

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